The pledge of allegiance via zoom is wild 😂. There's not even a flag...
21 day equity challenge?
Some of y'all had too much dip on ya chip 😂. It is not time for citizens forum yet. (Of virtual forum, whatever they're calling it).
Pierce county's median income is $20,000 more than Tacoma's, and the affordable housing rates are determined by county.
This joint statement...
This is not the same energy y'all had yesterday 🙃
Oh, y'all support HB 1267, okay.
Heal the Heart is giving Project Peace vibes
They're making statements, even though they made statements yesterday? They're making statements on their joint statement.
LOL not Beale with completely different energy than yesterday 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Beale loves taking up space.
Somebody must've gathered him after the meeting yesterday.
Thanking TPD for keeping the community safe when there were outside protestors...CM Walker, what about the local protestors that were arrested?
Ushka is probably the only council member who gets on social media to see what people be saying lol. She responds too.
Wake up and see that happen? What time does Thoms go to bed, because that was at like 7pm on a Saturday.
Also, he's using a lot of words to say nothing.
Project Peace was a start? K 🙃
Mute him, please.
CM Hines...but we don't see your actions, or the city's, so???
Is this still a statement about the statement? Because what is he talking about?
This past weekend actually does define who and what this city is, CM McCarthy.
CM Hunter is rambling.
Also, this ain't the energy she had yesterday. Somebody gathered her, too.
Forum is going to start late because we gotta listen to all these statements that could've been made at the street racing meeting.
DM Blocker, that's cap 😂. Not one shifty politician on that council? You don't gotta lie to us
Basically, Blocker is saying WE ARE TIRED.
Why do citizen's have a time limit, but council members don't? Because these statements are LONG.
Those rules put in place don't change how shitty that meeting was yesterday. These statements should've been made at that meeting.
If your hand is raised right now for citizen's forum, it's not time yet. There's still public comment on Tacoma Power property.
City Council is actually hella disrespectful 😂 they really wasted all that time making statements about a statement, and we have to wait for the forum to start because they're not done with the agenda.
Did she really ask about this moose?
They knew there was going to be a powerpoint tonight and still took up all that time 😂
Market rate is $1250 and the affordable rate is $1124, for 422 square feet???
Ushka said don't bring no ugly buildings to my district 😂
Aye she froze last night too. Y'all really need to get her better wifi
It's still not time to raise our hands for the forum 😩
Another powerpoint
Moment of silence for Manuel Ellis ✊🏾
🤣 they didn't know how to react
Can this land be given back to the Natives? GOOD QUESTION!
We wanted that property and didn't get it!
Was the Puyallup Tribe contacted about getting the land?
Just say you don't know what land you're on...
Gifting land to Native people...he sounds so uncomfortable 🥴
We've really been in this meeting for two hours....and the forum hasn't started.
Finally time for the virtual forum
Well, after their break 🙃. But if you want to speak, go ahead and raise your hand.
Not you telling us Council members have been doing their job all day 😂
Megan calling for Liz Pauli to be fired.
Jonathan is supporting the demands of @abolitionistspc
Focus on POLICE BRUTALITY, not property.
Elle also CALLING OUT THE LIES of tpd.
Yes, that Phan.
Jamika starts with Liz Pauli needs to resign.
Yaaaassss, welcome. Defund TPD.
(defunding is the start, dismantling is the goal).
Calling out council members who get money from the police union, it is a conflict of interest.
Offer a different way of thinking of it...we know what that means 😂
They were scaring him
Yes, tell them to keep MLK's name out their mouth. Because we are sick of it 😂
Keep calling them out!
I'm impressed with how much y'all are saying in sixty seconds
😂 a reformed knuckle head?
Perfect timing for his sound to go out 😌
When did we learn to disrespect the cops 😂 byeeeee
What criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens?
Body cams is a waste of money when the issue is white supremacy, SPEAK ON IT!
Haiku & Jamika went to jail before the officer who ran over people!
She's sad because she couldn't get in Tacoma?
They were tipping the car? What video was this person watching?
These people.
How you guys showed up last night was embarrassing 🤣
Is this person talking to us about...Detroit?
Courtney, reminding Blocker he advocated for adding police to tpd in 2019
Took a break to speak, because i'm clearly pissed.
Vote anybody else next election might be a good campaign name 🤔
He had me in the first half, wasn't sure where he was going with that.
This can not be reformed!
Yes, Greg's lack of knowledge of what land that property is on was embarrassing.
You actually *don't* have to believe in that system
Street racing is quite a fad? And the bigger issue is traffic control? K.
MMMHMMM, there's no accountability.
3 times we lost trust in city council (in the past year): 1. Manny's death, 2. disregard of the budget survey, 3. the street racing meeting.
YAASSSS, READ THEM! I know they're all scared to even think about saying MLK Jr anymore 😂
❤️ thanks for the love from Bellingham
Chris, GO AWWFFF. They really did lie about that weak ass "8 can't wait"
She's giving these vibes with asking people to stop cussing
If you haven't already, make sure you can see Liz Pauli's face 🙂
Take action or leave!
If you're planning to speak, this your last chance to raise your hand.
You trust they'll do their job?
Did he tell us to make sure we're not around people who want to beat up on cops?
DISGUSTING & PATHETIC, yes, annunciate them words.
We have a police problem in Tacoma
That's the end of the virtual forum. It's time for more statements from council members.
Ushka is asking Liz Pauli about proud boys presence...there's video?
"Black Lives Matter leaders"
It didn't *seem* tone deaf. READ THE ROOM.
😂 y'all was telling them they suck over & over again.
Thoms still making excuses....
Where's Sandman when you need him? Get Thoms off the stage.
They're asking who stays over night and who doesn't? Umm, we posted bail or else they would've stayed in there. What is this question?
CM Hunter, they shouldn't have been arrested
CM Hunter is dancing around the fact that they didn't know about Manuel Ellis' murder because TPD kept quiet, not because the investigation is taking too long. The found out June 1st/2nd, when it happened March 3rd
They reeeeaaallllyyyyyy need a time limit, because WHEW.
Still wondering where this energy was yesterday...
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