No one gives a fuck that rich assholes got burned fucking around with their high stakes gambling habit that occasionally sets fire to all of our jobs because in a just and honest world they would have all been pitchforked to death by angry mobs a generation ago.
Did you know Toys R Us was a profitable business before it closed down? It ended up saddled with debts because the hedge fund that bought it could make more short-term from the company’s destruction than it could from actually running it as a business.
Even today you try to google how that company died and the first thing you get are a half dozen dick-sucking articles from InvestmentGenius.bullshit about failure to innovate and lack of flexibility and wisdom of the market etc. etc. etc.
It takes a bit to get to the part that reads “the new owners turned a $1.90 billion debt load into a $5 billion debt load and subsequently 97% of the company’s profits got eaten up in interest payments”
So yeah, no one is going to weep when the maggots that feed on capitalism’s wreckage occasionally get burned, because the entire system they operate in should have been flushed out of our economy like a bacterial infection ages ago.
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