PPE Contracts - My fav thread I have wrote. It captures the corruption in our Govt beautifully.
It starts with a crisis, a pandemic, the need for PPE. The govt go to a company called Efficio for advice. Efficio say are the worlds largest procurement specialist.
Efficio win a number of contracts (just under ÂŁ5 million under the emergency rules) to advise on PPE procurement and on Test & Trace procurement. Yes that is right, the company that gave advice on the 2 most corrupt areas for our govt.
So who are Efficio? Companies house shows the parent company as Efficio Global, and lists a number of directors however the significant owner of the business is actually an investment fund call Livingbridge GP.
Livingbridge GP are owned by a parent company called Livingbridge EP who also happen to own a company called FIS Nominee.

FIS Nominee own all the Ordinary A shares in Efficio Global. The Major shareholder - the owner of the business.
So who are Livingbridge EP?

They are an investment company owned by Wol Kolade.

Who is Wol Kolade?
Electoral Commission Donations show that he has donated ÂŁ678,000 to the Conservative Party including 10,000 to Matt Hancock directly, whilst also making donations as they won contracts
He was also an non exec director of the NHS improvement programme! With Dido Harding!

So we have a tory donor (to Hancock as well), winning covid contracts, to advice govt on how to purchase PPE, do Test & Trace and he tried to improve NHS with Dido Harding
Added to that his livingbridge company are buying lots of GP clinics in Australia, Kolade clearly sees the money to be made in health
Final bit approx 40% of Efficio is hidden in a channels islands trust. I wonder who could own that share 🤔
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