Latter Day Saints love all of God’s children. We do not believe that living a lifestyle that violates the doctrine will ultimately lead to happiness in the eternal sense.
If you intentionally seek out tweets by Latter Day Saints on this topic, do not lash out as if you have...
been personally attacked. It has nothing to do with your value (which is more immense than you could fathom) and is not directed as a form of emotional violence.
You cannot walk uninvited into a space created for a group of individuals and demand that it is made “safe” for you.
There is safety, love, and endless promise within this doctrine. Not an ounce of it will be withheld from one who earnestly seeks it.
By all means, step into this space. But be prepared to grasp that we adhere to an eternal doctrine that commands a faith not devoid of works.
You can follow @MadeJoyful.
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