I respect the leftists who don't make their entire identity "oWniNg tHe LiBs" like a lot of the edgelords on this app do.

It's such an easy hustle to shitpost & meme on Progressives & Liberals to get thousands of likes from people on Twitter craving a dopamine boost. 1/6 THREAD
If I really wanted to create lame ass hashtags like #fRaUdSqUad or do AOC / mAmA bEaR memes I could do it. It's such an easy hustle for social media clout.

I'm happy to see other rational & logical leftists not falling for that cliché grift from The Patreon Left. 2/6
I could repeat b.s like this daily. "The Oligarchy wants you to think MAGA & Far-Right extremists are your enemies when in reality it's the brunch libs & BoUtiQue pRoGrEsSiVes who are preventing us from uniting with MAGA to take down the corporate establishment blah blah bla" 3/6
I could say repetitive shit like that every day just like ProudGrifterSocialist & Dore do, & receive tons of clout for it. Hell, I could even create a podcast around it, but I'd be taking advantage of frustrated people on Twitter for my own well being & feeding them bullshit. 4/6
White supremacists, fascists, Far-right extremists will NEVER be our allies. They don't see a world where we exist in it.

These grifting POS downplay them just to "oWn tHe LiBs" & to feed their Patreons. 5/6
Progressives aren't your enemies people, they are the future & any realistic chance we have at making change electorally.

You MAD? Start organizing within your local districts, & reach out to your local reps.

Shitposting on Twitter will ACCOMPLISH NOTHING! Stay strong. 6/6
You can follow @MrNeoLib.
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