Think for the next few months, I will be annoyed with all the baffling interpretations of (the most excellent) PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN on this site. Some aren’t even interpretations, but statements that are...objectively wrong. Perhaps I just shouldn’t be on this site ever.
Mind-blowing how much some seem to be ignoring the fact that women are complicit in PYW. Fennell takes on a culture. It’s not a “all men suck” movie. Cassie’s actions are addictive behavior after such unspeakable grief—a way to numb the pain, even a little bit. >>>
What happens in the end isn’t revenge. Perhaps a tiny fraction of justice she sacrifices everything for. Even then it’s incomplete & comes at a giant cost. It’s still not for the original crime. It’s truthful. It’s a risky, complex film—sux to see all the one-note readings. :/
In any case, please give me a hundred complicated and debate-worthy “Promising Young Woman”s every year from filmmakers with a style, POV and voice, instead of a single one of those faux, feel-good, “Girl Power/You-Go-Girl” films that parade as feminism. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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