The inconsistency in cons narrative is hilarious 😆

So do CPC know up from down? Left from right?

Or do they just say whatever they think Canadians want to hear to obtain and maintain power?

The emergence of demagogic populism did not originate with Trump, or with the Reform Party in Canada. Demagoguery is as old as politics.

But the current form is horrifically diabolical and toxic to western democracy.
While this article calls this iteration of demagogic populism fringe, it’s definitely crossed into mainstream.

It’s destroying the very foundations of democracy. Which is precisely what it is designed to do. Politicians don’t need to stay in power to inflict long term damage.
The US has a particularly unflattering history of demagogic populism. Slavery. Those whites who supported it developed methods of disenfranchising blacks and the poor whites from voting. Created fascistic policies to oppress and abuse.
That’s where this current iteration of demagogic populism has originated. And it’s being spread across the globe in democracies and throughout western civilization.

Supported financially by the worst elements of society with deep pockets.
Tricking people who are suffering into voting against their own best interests.

While these victims of psychological manipulation (which is what demagogic populism essentially is) spout horrific rhetoric, they are casualties of radicalization as well.
Their financial, security and political needs ignored for too long, far right politicians with ulterior motives for obtaining power and control have tricked them into believing only conservatives can offer hope and security.
Once in power, the needs of these desperate people are ignored and ramped up efforts to identify and target the “other” to blame becomes the political party’s focus and red meat dog whistles.

Timothy Snyder explains the process here. 12 minutes.
We must rid ourselves of the acceptance of demagogic populism.

We must engage the people who’ve been manipulated. Like it or not, populists are powerless without support, so we intervene where populist’s power resides.

But our emotions drive us to do the opposite.
These people can be enraging. But don’t forget they’ve been psychologically manipulated and then attacked by the very leaders they elected.

So when you witness this:
Remember their perception of what’s happening is this:
Why is their perception so skewed? Historical and current events.

Venezuela is often mentioned. Maduro is a left wing socialist dictator. Many Venezuelans almost starved or suffered needlessly from minor health issues because Maduro seriously damaged the Venezuelan economy.
Hyper inflation got out of control. Many left Venezuela as refugees. Others stayed and suffered.

But Maduro stayed in power. And the far right extremists blame socialism, when it was clearly the corrupt leaders draining the nation of assets to enrich themselves.
Which is exactly what conservatives propagating this narrative are doing here. Fear mongering amongst supporters who are terrified of poverty and destitution.

Original homesteaders on the prairies remember when Alberta and Saskatchewan were cut loose to fend for themselves.
Little known, long forgotten by most, Alberta was part of the Dustbowl of the 1920’s and 1930’s.

We were also the worst hit jurisdiction globally. Up to 80% of people were unemployed or incapable of growing food because of the drought.
So the memory of being abandoned by Ottawa and subsequent mistrust was well earned.

People only survived by banding together.

That’s when Social Credit swooped in and offered a UBI to get elected. The rest is history.

Many died, left AB or commit suicide. There was no UBI.
That memory hasn’t faded from original AB homesteaders. Nor do I think it will for several more generations.

Being abandoned and left to die has that effect on people. Trust is difficult to establish after you’re written off as disposable.
That fear is real in Alberta. Because it wouldn’t be the first time. Over time many were able to move on. But several have never forgotten the dirty thirties. My grandmother told stories about eating skunk once because starvation was the other option.
When people are economically desperate, they cling to whichever leader offers hope and economic stability. Demagogic populists know this.

And UCP is the result.

Now, much like Social Credit did for 36 years, UCP is attacking those it deems unworthy. Women, LGBTQ, immigrants.
Installing theonomy. Robbing the rest of us blind.

Billions in public funds have been given away in tax relief, cronyism, corrupt deals transferring public assets to private interests, literally stolen pensions, and severe austerity measures that will get much much worse.
The terror homesteaders feel is real, but it’s been manipulated and targeted at the wrong politicians.

Those who caused the Great Depression in 1929 stock market crash were very similar to modern plutocrats. Greed, extreme greed combined with Christian Nationalism.
Many don’t know this but John Rockefeller plays an important role in the modern Dominionist political movement. He started it. Social Darwinism, establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth. He paid for many to further these causes.
His descendants carried on the faith & monopolies. Rockefeller was the quintessential Gilded Age Robber Baron. With the removal of Anti Trust laws in US, we are again moving into another extremely polarized income disparity era. That’s what UCP, CPC, & GOP Republicans represent.
Why do I mention Rockefeller?

Oil was discovered in Alberta in the 19th century. Who moved in to help develop and take possession of the profits of that oil? Standard Oil. Under the name Chevron Canada.
Look at the date they came. 1938.

Three years after Social Credit took power.

They’re still here. Still paying for the policies they want, still installing the governments of their choice, still undermining democracy to fill their off shore banks.

At Albertan’s expense.
Eighty six years is a long time. Three generations of my family have suffered under the proto fascistic paleolibertarian regimes installed by big oil.

I don’t want that future for my children, or anyone’s children.

It’s time to get organized
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