tw // eating disorder, anorexia ⚠️

i will never forget when i was 15 & was diagnosed with anorexia. my psychiatrist said that since my BMI did not meet the criteria to be considered underweight, there was nothing she could do and no treatment center would take me.
not only has the BMI system been proven to be medically inaccurate, it also gave the message that i wasn’t “sick enough” to deserve help. this only was more motivation to try and get even worse so that i could be seen as a “real anorexic”
if i had gotten treatment back then, i really believe that it wouldn’t have progressed to the point where i am today where i have had most of my life marred by the shadow of an eating disorder. i was so sick back then, but not sick enough to be considered worthy of help.
and that’s so horrible because the majority of people who suffer from anorexia & bulimia aren’t even medically underweight. but that doesn’t stop them from dying or having their lives ruined, it only stops them from getting the chance to be helped.
there needs to be a reform ASAP. every person suffering needs help regardless of how much they actually weigh. an eating disorder is rooted in needing mental help, not being underweight. to this day i’m resentful and upset that i never got the help i desperately needed.
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