1/ Why choosing to switch banks and buying #Bitcoin are both very *American* decisions... a 🧵
2/ Last week, I needed to make a bank wire. This ended up taking over a week. I had to move from USDC on @coinbase to USD in my @allybank account (1-3 biz days) then fill out a wire transfer form, wait another 1 biz day for Ally to call and confirm the same details.
3/ Then my account got locked down (due to a direct deposit that was incorrectly setup) and after spending 1hr+ on the phone with customer support over multiple days answering the same questions, I'm hopeful that my wire will finally go out today. 🤞🤦
4/ Using crypto and blockchain, I could have handled this payment in minutes, at negligible cost, and avoided all the negative feelings associated with waiting on hold. At least a 10x improvement on the current system.
5/ Why wouldn't I chose the better experience? A core tenet of a capitalistic system is competition. More competition results in better experiences for the customer, and fosters continued innovation among the incumbents.
6/ Should I instead remain loyal to my bank? Should I remain endlessly on hold, filling out complaint forms waiting for my bank to improve their process?
7/ . @profplum99 in his recent debate with @nic__carter essentially counseled me to remain on hold and to fill out complaint forms with local politicians. That a vote for #Bitcoin is a vote against America. https://twitter.com/profplum99/status/1354119304430579719?s=20
8/ At least we agree that the current system needs to be fixed. But why wait on hold?! My vote for #Bitcoin *is* my action and is how I work to fix the system. It wasn't un-American to start using Uber in the early days because they delivered a 10x better experience.
9/ It wasn't un-American to leave Microsoft for Google because MSFT largely missed the innovation of the internet. @profplum99 's proposals to fix the current monetary system are like waiting on hold at MSFT support for decades while the internet happens and you get left behind.
10/ Because users left for better experiences, MSFT had to change. Despite them having one of the largest monopolies ever. Ultimately, MSFT innovated their way to attract users again. This innovation was good for users and for MSFT.
11/ We now face the same situation with the current monetary system, but instead of the "Microsoft Monopoly" vs the Internet, we have the "Global Government Monopoly on Money and Violence" vs #Bitcoin , crypto & #DeFi
12/ If users leave for better experiences, current State Monopolies must change, despite their massive monopoly. Ultimately, I hope State Actors will innovate, and this innovation will be good for users and for States.
13/ In the debate, Mike dismissed #Bitcoin as nothing more than a modern day Shays' Rebellion. I'm no expert historian, but I would summarize this as a bloody rebellion that resulted in a change to the system. Wouldn't it be great if we could change the system with no bloodshed?
14/ #Bitcoin is a peaceful rebellion against a broken monetary system. One that hopefully results in change without any loss of life. Frederick Hayek said it best in 1984:
15/ "I don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government, we can't take it violently out of the hands of govt, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't stop" https://twitter.com/adam3us/status/1151447686375194624?s=20
16/ I'm not saying that the govt won't try to stop it, just like incumbents (like MSFT) always fight against change to protect their wealth and status quo. Nor am I saying that #Bitcoin and Crypto are a perfect system without flaws.
17/ But the innovation of #Bitcoin is one of the biggest in the history of humanity, so in an effort to effect change, I'll "vote with my feet" and take my money to the best experiences.
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