/r/WallStreetBets has written an open letter to powers that be @CNBC - they threaten to continue to bankrupt every last hedge-fund since Wall Street has screwed over the average American & always gets bailed out. They actually make great points, read:
/r/WallStreetBets celebrates re: Fox News reporting that a hedge fund manager says they will continue shorting Gamestop $GME - they are rejoicing at the opportunity to squeeze yet another hedge fund into the ground.
For the people at the SEC who'll likely be assigned to investigate this incident & come across this thread at some point…/r/WallStreetBets is simply an internet forum & no single entity is organizing this effort. It's just a bunch of memers who like video games &hate Wall Street
To the people on /r/WallStreetBets & those betting against the hedge funds on $GME, you all are pro-Bitcoin whether you know it yet or not. $BTC is the ultimate middle finger you can give to Wall St - I recently moved all my stock market $$$ into crypto. http://coinbase-consumer.sjv.io/JgZVa 
Reddit - it appears you are in the clear! #wallstreetbets https://twitter.com/moorehn/status/1354223269709275137?s=20
Coming soon: First National Bank of GameStop? #GSE
This list of hedge funds' most-shorted stocks is making its rounds on Reddit's /r/WallStreetBets… many posters are discussing tackling these one-by-one. They are already buying up $AMC which is up 60% after-hours.
Once again, I urge anyone reading this thread to please understand that these types of returns aren’t sustainable & this isn’t “investing” - it is gambling. I don’t endorse or condone any of it (although it’s hilarious to watch Wall St squeal). Do not bet more than you can lose.
The GameStop $GME "Investor Relations" desk hasn't released any update or statement on their stock seeing nearly 1,000% growth since the last update 2 weeks ago… missed opportunity!
Worth mentioning: hedge funds shorted more GameStop shares than there are GameStop shares in existence, and by a considerable margin.

In hindsight this chaotic, meme-powered short-squeeze isn't as crazy as it may appear at first-sight. Short squeeze inevitable with that leverage
Ok, fine. I am moving a ✨small✨ amount of crypto back into my brokerage account to gamble with the self-proclaimed "autists" leading this movement… I will probably regret this, but yolo!
Jack Dorsey liked my tweet. #DeepState LeGate confirmed!
A hedge fund manager has reached out to me for consultation regarding them hiring a "Chief Meme Officer" in order to turn their portfolio company stonks into memes. DM me if interested. They are pro-WSB.
Oh, lord… the Wall Street Bets Discord channel has found my Twitter.
Honestly, I'm rooting for the amateur investors & hope they take Wall Street for everything they have. Let's gooooo!!!!
To everyone saying GameStop is overvalued, I raise your GameStop & challenge you a Tesla. No legitimate investor believes Tesla is valued correctly at today’s prices. It’s all speculation. The entire market is BS. YOLO!
Agreed 100%.

Can we all promise to support our local GameStop this week? You don’t have to be like the guy who uses GameStop as a bank to keep them solvent - just a simple purchase will do 😄 https://twitter.com/currienicolas/status/1354280379646169088
As predicted, Wall Street is not happy that the “wrong people” are “manipulating” the market. Get wrecked. https://twitter.com/cnbcfastmoney/status/1354212832703885313
GameStop $GME up to $350 pre-market 🤯
This is the biggest “F you” to Wall Street I’ve seen in my entire lifetime… please be careful, retail investors, but WOW.
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