This company grew 87% YoY on sales of $ 451m

💸 It provides the “One-Stop-Shop” its users NEED

🌐 It’s MARKET is set to DOUBLE by 2025


Read it HERE 🔥 https://getbenchmark.substack.com/p/sofi-the-aws-of-fintech-
$IPOE $SOFI in short 👇

SoFi was founded in 2011 to help alleviate the student debt burden. It did so by undercutting federal and private loan rates

The company quickly added mortgages, investment tools, insurances and even cryptocurrency trading to its offering
Today, SoFi is a “one-stop-shop” for high-earning (above $ 100,000 / year) young professionals and students

It provides its user base with a convenient, fast and transparent banking solution all while helping them get a grasp of their financial situation
SoFi’s ability to cross-sell a vast array of financial products enables it to decrease its customer acquisition costs while increasing its customers’ lifetime value

Taking clues from Amazon, it aims to become a vertically integrated FinTech solution & therefore acquired Galileo
Galileo acts as the backend of SoFi’s financial services but also serves SoFi’s main competitors such as Robinhood, Chime, Revolut, Monzo

On top of lower customer acquisition costs and higher customer lifetime value, SoFi is adding an advantage through Galileo: lower cost basis
The Pitch 🥇

1️⃣ SoFi aims to take advantage of the fragmented Tier-2 banking market by attracting customers with its easy to use and intuitive “one-stop-shop” offering

2️⃣ This strategy enables it to reduce its CAC and increase its customers’ LTV by cross-selling products
3️⃣ Driven by the need for cost optimisation and customer demand, banks have no other solution than to propose digital tools to their clients

4️⃣ With Galileo, SoFi is ideally placed to take advantage of the rise of digital banks but also of the Tier-2 banks modernisation effort
5️⃣ In the long term, SoFi is set to become hard to compete with as it has a lower CAC and higher LTV than its competitors, all while being a supplier of financial technology
We have a stake in $IPOE

🔥 We will increase if it manages to sustain its growth by expanding on a global scale and expand its customer count with Galileo

💀 We will cut if competitors pressure SoFi’s growth by luring away its customers or if Galileo’s key accounts leave
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