If racial disparities are due to systemic bias then what is the explanation for when minorites outnumber white people (e.g. NBA)? You will likely come up with a myriad of explanations for why this occurs. So, why are those reasons not good enough to explain other disparities?
Talent, skills, interests, values, parenting, education, environment, etc etc. Why would you consider all of these and more to explain why minorities outperform white people but never entertain any of them when white people outperform minorities and instead go straight to racism?
As Thomas Sowell eloquently put it, and I'm paraphrasing, it's foolish to expect there to be any kind of equality between groups when we don't even see equality among siblings who grow up in the same house with the same parents. A man isn't even equal to himself on different days
The pronouncement that racial disparities, or any kind of disparities for that matter, including gender, are explained by this invisible boogeyman of systemic oppression is idiotic pseudoscientific garbage. And I'm sick of hearing it.

Reject the premise.
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