Photos fae today - I've never seen Shetland like this. Very low temps. Drove out to Sandness in the westside - a favourite anyway, but today it was beyond beautiful.
I'll do a peerie thread.
A milky frozen loch (Voxterby mebbe) and snow clouds, looking north
This was ostensibly my reason for the long, rather hazardous drive - interviewing the lovely veg growers of Turriefield, Sandness. Penny and Alan. I spoke to them and the cat in their byre.
The drive back - sun setting at 3.30am, and that glorious pastel fade in the sky, a bright moon nearly full. Another loch fae the Sandness road, frozen over.
Obviously I stopped to have a skoit aboot many times, and to take photos of the weird things ice does.
Spoke to some unruffled swans and found Henry Weston embedded in the ice
Waved to the gritter boys. Everyone's favourite sight at the moment.
Sound on for lone goose honking through the sky, and ice creaking-cracking
Driving towards Tresta, and that strange freezing mist you get in Cold Places was sitting in the dale, making a milky blue layer below the deep dark blue sky. Land and sky all turning into each other. Eerie and silent and wonderful.
Tresta is always beautiful. Today just silly though.
Tresta has trees too, which I don't like, but I know other people do.
Like a Dr Who planet
Tresta Voe. Bits were slushing over as the temperature dropped. I sat on the pier for a bit, muttering happily to myself.
The end.
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