Ok so going to attempt to be fairly reasonable even though I havent calmed down. I will probably regret a few of my tweets in the weeks to come (some of them have been in jest) but ultimately I have taken the last few days badly. Others have as well and some havent which is fine
Frank Lampard was one of my heroes growing up. I wanted it to work so badly. For a variety of reasons its gone awry despite which I think we can all agree was a decent first season. Did the job come too soon for him? Maybe. But ultimatley he got the job and we all knew he was
Going to make mistakes along the way. The idea as I knew it was that he would help grow a team and a philosophy and he would grow in the job. He was never going to be the finished article and there were going to be peaks and troughs. But imo he deserved time to try and turn it
around. If at the end of the season objectives were not reached with a heavy heart I would have agreed with a change. But imo he has been hung out to dry by the board and similar to RDM the board knew they would make a change at the first sign of trouble. Thats a disgrace imo
And Frank did not deserve that. The board have so much to answer for and we are left with a hodge podge of players from 4 or 5 different managers so any notion of a 'long term plan' is always going to take time to get a squad thats refined. It is also clear that we have so much
deadwood who in turn are a toxic influence on the dressing room. These players need to go irrespective of who is in charge. So yes I am heartbroken for Frank and it will take me some time to get over it. There are many on the 'Frank Out' side of the divide whos opinion I respect
despite not sharing there point of view. At the end of the day most of us are passionate and love the club and this will manfifest itself in millions of different ways. The beauty of football is that we all love the same club but all have a completely different perspective
In terms of Tuchel I've made it clear that I'm not a fan of his (and yes I have gone OTT). For many people they can quickly move on and back the new manager and team and I wish I could be more like that but right now I am finding it really hard to get myself in that mindset
In weeks to come I will start looking forward to watching Chelsea again and perhaps my opinion on him will soften. But even if he has a decent start we all know we will be here in a years time so for me its next to impossible to be excited or optimistic its just the same old shit
So do I want us to be unsuccessful? Ofc not. I'm annoyed and emotional. It is not the same club I grew up loving as a kid and that makes me sad but maybe its me that needs to move with the times. So good luck to the manager and the team and lets hope happier times are ahead #cfc
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