It’s a year after a tragedy and it’s been a year of tragedy. My thoughts on grief and mourning and moving forward one year after the death of Kobe Bryant and all the souls on that helicopter.
One thing about loss: it’s not just the loss of what was, it’s the loss of what could be. You feel that w/the Bryant, Altobelli, Chester, Mauser, Zobayan families but especially the young-Gigi, Alyssa & Payton. There’s trauma in never seeing a world where those lights shine again
Sometimes in tragedy we say, “you never know what the future holds” or “I can’t imagine.”

My hope is in moments of loss we can be more voiceful in our emotions so others will know that others have experienced it- and thus, we can imagine. Then, those complex emotions can be
available for all so that we may "suffer with” (compassion), and aid, and eventually, heal.

It doesn’t just take time. It takes time and work

Kobe Bryant’s life and death connected so many. We could all feel we lost part of ourselves, the player we grew up with.
It’s ok to feel sad for someone we didn’t know. Or, to feel conflicted about a flawed life, angels and devils as Kobe called it. The brutal reality we will never know all truths,or maybe, reach closure. That is precisely life; we are better w/all our emotions available to us.
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