1/6 Are hormones involved in facultative paternal care?
Monogamous red-bellied #lemurs live in prs. Dads are in contact w infants as much as men in US & some months more than moms. But there's LOTS of variation! Dads provide 0-37% of all care across development.
2/6 Estradiol ⬆️ maternal sensitivity. In a few spp with obligate paternal care (incl. us) it ⬆️ in expectant males. Does it also ⬆️ in facultative spp with loads of variation BEFORE infants are born? Is it associated w infant care behavior AFTER infants are born?
3/6 We studied lemurs in Ranomafana Natl Park, Madagascar rainforest for 2 yrs @CentreValBio. We collected ~2700h behavioral data & fecal samples for hormone analysis. We have data during fetal & infant development. Samples analyzed @LEEPUArizona. The team was BIG
☑️ Expectant male estradiol ⬆️4x ~10 days before their infants' birth! Here are 4 males' profiles. This could prep them for fatherhood.
❌ Estradiol unrelated to huddle, carry, play, groom, hold, & composite score (Total Care). No support for short-term role.
6/6 This spp w facultative paternal care makes prenatal & postnatal hormone adjustments. Prenatally ⬆ estradiol could prep them for paternal care once infants arrive (or reflect wt gain), but isn't associated w acute behavioral changes like androgens are. TY🙏!
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