This is an appropriation tweet.
The health of my mom had a major turn around on this day after I read this tweet and researched on it.

My mom has been suffering from hypertension since around 2013.
It got worse as she aged, with her BP test showing figures on the upside of 170/110.

From the research I discovered diet is a major panasea for HBP.

Her medication weren't so effective and sometimes worsen the situation and have led to crisis sometimes.

So I towed the maxim of 'prevention is better than cure' as I took the risk of halting her drugs altogether and became intentional about her diet.

From my research I noticed our common salt was a major factor that increase blood pressure, hence I stopped salting white rice altogether and made her take pepper soup instead of the conventional stew that has oil in it as oil too was another factor that increase BP.

We stopped taking soups that has high oil contents like Egusi, Ogbono etc has concentrated on veggies like okro and other vegetable conc. delicacies.

Beans wasn't left like that also as aside reduction of salt we used tumeric and cinnamon powder to add colour...

... instead of palm oil.

I discovered to reduce the sodium content in our common salt I had to increase food high on potassium (I'm sorry tweeps with non-science background).
We became intentional about eating high potassium based diet.
The image below shows some of them.

From my study I also noticed Beets is a major major fruit that pushes down blood pressure, so she drinks fresh beet juice once every week and we also add it to salad.
Please it should be taken in moderation.
Below is a picture and benefits of beets.

She also has white-coat hypertension as her blood pressure escalate upon seeing a doctor.

So she checks her blood pressure at home using those digital blood pressure monitor.

The result has been mind blowing as she hasn't taken any drugs since November and she's as fit and healthy as a fiddle.

Not to forget she exercises by walking around or sweep the compound for like a hour in the morning sun.

She increased her water intake so she can pass out urine which holds lots of sodium.

I'm here to thank you @aproko_doctor for the many things you do.
God bless you.
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