Bill C-6 is currently being debated in Canadian Parliament. Read this description carefully:
Notice that if you try to "change" an individual's gender identity "to match" their biological sex, you will be breaking the law. If you try to convince someone that they really are who and what they were when they were born, then you are committing a criminal act.
This is an extremely dangerous bill that will violate both religious and civil rights and create the conditions for extremely invasive government coercion. Canadians should be alarmed.

The fact that the bill made it this far also highlights our contemporary social crisis.
Canadian Christians need to organize right now to fight this bill, and they need to make it clear that they will not change the content of their counseling (nor their preaching/teaching) if the bill becomes law. They should also lawyer up because these battles aren't going away.
There are lessons to learn here. Notice the clinical language of "conversion therapy" that is capable of being expanded to cover "behavioural techniques, psychoanalytic techniques, medical approaches, and religious and spiritual approaches." (source: )
There's also the assumption that "orientation change" and "identity change" or more or less the same thing or should be legislated in the same way. Though the fine print distinguishes these concepts, the law treats them identically. But a Christian could easily distinguish them.
Indeed, many churches would say that a person with a "non-straight" orientation should nevertheless work to retain a basic "identity" of male or female, created in the image of God and with controlling moral commands.
There's no physiological or biological change needed at all. But there is a psychological and spiritual change needed. This law would treat it all the same, and it would criminalize basic religious and moral imperatives for the Christian.
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