Not a fan of mission/vision — not the terms, but their usual implementation:

- self-centered goals ("We want to be the leading __"), so internal talk != external talk.

- short/long term distinction isn't meaningful

- not narrative, so doesn't create urgency
Yet I'm often asked how strategic narrative fits with mission and vision statements. In fact, it happened today.

Strategic narrative REPLACES traditional mission/vision statements in that it guides everyone's actions
By naming the big, relevant shift in the world (old game/new game), you are stating a VISION about how the world has changed *forever for all stakeholders*, internal and external. (Starting with permanent change is also what makes it narrative.)
By naming the object of the new game, you're stating a MISSION, but it's the *buyer's mission.* It's what the buyer has to do to win. Of course, isn't helping the buyer do that your mission?

@Gong_io vision: Goodbye opinions, hello reality
Gong (buyer) mission (my paraphrase): Gather intelligence on what's really happening in sales

@Airbnb vision: Now every space is rentable
Airbnb (buyer) mission: Belong anywhere
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