America is unsustainable. You have a minority party that craves authoritarianism, that believes it has the unshakeable right to complete power over the majority because of rules designed to empower slave states. This party bathes in conspiracy theories, attacks allies, poses.../1
...a global threat to world democracy and security. In our lifetimes, a Republican majority in the senate will represent only 30% of the population, while 70% is in the minority. These same people believe an incitement for insurrection should get a pass. Think about it! If.../2
...the coup attempt had been successful, Trump would have remain president, thus no punishment. But, because the coup attempt failed, GOP says ALSO should be no punishment. Every GOP president will have the power to invoke insurrection after any losses. This. CANT. Survive.../3
...many of you were not around for the collapse of the Soviet Union. This was an incomprehensible moment, as incomprehensible as the collapse of the United States might seem to you. But delusions and lies and a craving for autocracy made it impossible for it to survive.../4
...Chernobyl had a big impact on its survivability, as the lies and scientific manipulations by politicians exposed the rot in the system. We have experienced the same thing with COVID, and only dodged the bullet that could have killed millions by a hair, as Trump would have.../5
...continued lying about vaccine distribution and safety, because they were too fucking incompetent to handle it, more concerned about public appearances (which is why they counted every *order* from states as a *delivery* to states. they could claim massive success on.../6
...getting vaccines out for use when they were in fact just piling up in warehouses.) I think, without a recognition of where we are and a concerted effort to fix it, we are about at the equivalent of 1985-6 in the Soviet Union. It collapsed in 1990..../7
...millions live in a fantasy world. GOPrs fuel it on and on so they can retain power and make money. They lie endlessly. This is unsustainable. There needs to be a realistic, formal assessment of America's capacity to survive this insanity, and perhaps adopt a plan for..../8
...dissolution. January 6 showed what can happen. Today shows that it will be tolerated. State GOP groups are formally declaring the insurrection as something that didn't happen - a "false flag" operation - and attacking anyone who doesnt ignore it..../9
...if a patient has terminal cancer, ignoring it doesnt make it go away. Saying "surgery will hurt, chemo will be horrible" doesnt change anything. Reality is reality. The reality is, if we pretend that what has happened to this country has not happened, we are ignoring the.../10
...the cancer. And in the end, when the inevitable appears - January 6 writ large and a Republican Party that cheers it on - the violence will be extreme. We will be deemed a nuclear and military threat throughout the world. An autocracy with our military and a delusional.../11
...population is a global danger.

We have to accept: America is dying. If we don't face it, and take extreme efforts to fix it, it will collapse. The EU has said the damage to democracy from Trump will take decades to fix. If we don't fix it, it will die. So, if we dont.../12
...want to go to the trouble of addressing this, just like we dont want to go to the trouble of fixing our roads and our transportation systems because rich people would have to pay a little more in taxes, then we have to plan for worst case: Dissolution. Because, just like..13
...with USSR, dissolution became inevitable. It either happens suddenly & violently, with military attempt to overthrow governments (like Yeltsin's), or is planned to happen gradually.

Someday, we'll be 3-4 countries. The violence it takes before we get there is our choice.

...Folks responding: "America's sustainable. We just have to do X." That's my point. But every "X" choice is hard & requires 2 parties that recognize the threat. I think GOP is unfixable & the only thing that can stop this is its death & the rise of a new sane conservative party
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