*13 Reasons Why* ...INDUSTRY was the worst thing to happen to women investors 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

(from the perspective of a real life Harper)
As a woman of color who started their career on the cross sector desk of a major investment bank (oh haiii @MorganStanley), Industry made me want to scream 😖

It's incredibly demeaning, demotivating and distracting from our broader ambitions 🖤

Here's what went wrong...
1⃣ Ambition != aggression. Portraying Harper as backstabbing and conniving is an insult to each and every one of us trying to climb the corporate ladder. PLZ stop perpetuating false stereotypes.
2⃣ What working professional has this active of a sex drive?? And WHY must we always portray women as vehicles for male desire?

Industry's portrayal makes the trading floor look about as safe of a professional environment as a Covid-filled cave. EW.
3⃣ S&T is ALL about client relationships. Period. Such interpersonal dynamics should set women up to #thrive.

Yet Industry's portrayal of vicious and undermining behavior as the keys to survival completely warp the realities of the floor. FAKE NEWS, PPL!!!
4⃣ Just like your feel good startup, a trading floor is a TEAM. At @MorganStanley I was CONSTANTLY reminded of this fact and was inspired to be a part of a mission bigger than myself. Representing the environment exclusively as dog-eat-dog is a turnoff and a misrepresentation.
5⃣ There is more to life than money. To distill an entire occupation's purpose to such a simplistic and vapid motivator is crude. No wonder the Bernie Bros hate Wall Street so much...
6⃣ The job does, in fact, require a brain. I can confirm that such intellectual engagement is both exhilarating and exciting.

So, can we stop pretending like this is some legalized form of gambling exclusively defined by ephemeral dopamine hits and a constant desire for more?
7⃣ Do I really need to remind you that women are indeed capable of supporting other women??! ( @AllRaise, they need you!!!)
8⃣ Was making the smartest woman the worst dressed really necessary? Did we not leave such stereotypes behind when Miranda Hobbes moved to Brooklyn?

Let the 14 pairs of stilettos that lived under my desk on the trading floor be entered into evidence that this simply aint true...
9⃣ Hugs Not Drugs. If you think that Analysts can afford that much cocaine, you must still be living with a 2007 perception of bonuses.

FUN FACT: You can succeed in this environment without engaging in illegal activities. Let's not lead our young ppl to believe otherwise.
1⃣0⃣ The world is not black or white. Good or bad. Yet the media enjoys perpetually portraying Wall Street as the axis of evil.

Perhaps instead of turning people off from the trading floor, we'd be better off encouraging them to contribute to a sense of conscious capitalism?
1⃣1⃣ NEWSFLASH: Young ppl can use discretion when given responsibility and / or raises. Suggesting that we're all Gossip Girls is insulting and incorrect in its allegations.
1⃣2⃣ I get that they're all too frequently viewed as such by the outside world, but must we really treat Research like they're invisible??

Let Research OGs @bgurley and Mary Meeker remind us of who the brains behind these operations frequently are...
1⃣3⃣ Your fellow Analysts are not your adversaries, they are your family. Such a sense of support is among the strongest I've ever experienced.

So why are we inciting a fear of loneliness in those entering the workforce? Can't we instead lead with the promise of love?
✨✨✨ The glitz and the glam of @HBO is powerful. Moving forward, let's use it wisely ✨✨✨
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