Among the updates:

- Short ponytails for women whose hair does not allow for buns
- Long ponytails and braids during training or when wearing tactical equipment (help helmets fit more securely, etc.)
- "Professional" lipstick and nail polish
- No minimum hair requirement for women
- The ability to wear two hairstyles at once
- Earrings in combat uniforms (not authorized in training or combat environments)
Side-note: Pearl earrings are not allowed in the combat uniform. Officials said pearls are meant for more formal occasions.

Personal side-note: I wear stud pearl earrings with t-shirts so
And as for the "wow the Army has gone soft since I got out" crowd, Grinston had a message:

"To those former soldiers I will say we have the greatest Army the world has ever seen, in this year, right now. Our soldiers are smarter, stronger, and faster than we’ve ever had."
Okay, now........let's see those hot takes.
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