Ok so i just want to leave a thread for new armys to know how to best deal with the hate the guys get & our own limitations (please correct me if i have something wrong tho)

First of all lets talk a little about what BH can/can't do in regards to antis:
For years BH has been dealing with k-antis by issuing criminal complaints based on the info we submit via email & info they collect, however, we can't rlly know who specifically they're pursuing seeing as these things can take years to settle & they're not allowed to disclose any
details whilst investigations are in process. They do however share small reports like the one above, every once in a while, to inform us of what they're doing
It's also worth pointing out that copyright complaints (that are very easy & fast to issue) aren't the same as criminal complaints or lawsuits, this is quite frankly a ridiculous & unhelpful comparison.
"So what about international antis?" you might ask, well that's kinda where is worth understanding that they probably have their hands tied, different countries have different laws & jurisdictions, think abt all the times criminals run away to other countries to escape punishment
it's complicated & i can't quite frankly see a realistic way in which they could pursue i-antis legally speaking as of now, some ppl have suggested maybe BH could issue more official statments to address the hate but i will explain further down why that might not be the best idea
So that is what BH is doing as of now & the reason why i'm explaining this is because i'm going to need you guys to keep in mind that you have to be realistic on your expectations about what BH can do so we can also figure out the best ways in which WE can help
1. Send emails to [email protected] when necessary:

You might feel tempted to email abt the average hate comments you see but sometimes it's better to just silently report their account so it can be taken down easier (dms & report gcs are helpful!) https://twitter.com/ProtectionArmy/status/1303248890335039488?s=20
"But why do it silently?" you may ask, i'll try to explain, we've kinda seen it time & time again in the past, every time we blow up a situation of hate/slander towards the guys it becomes easier for them to directly see/hear abt it, this isn't what we want for obvious reasons
Our main purpose for reporting antis in the 1st place is because of the hope that their hate won't spread & reach them, that their hurtful words won't have an impact, what blowing things up does is the exact opposite & that's how we can become the direct amplifier/vehicle of hate
which leads me to the next point

2. Please don't participate on trending #/Weloveyou__ style hashtags, don't spread screenshots of antis tweets & spread the things that need reporting via DMs, you can also join a report gc for this purpose
trending #/Weloveyou__ style hashtags might seem like a helpful way to counteract the spreading of hateful content, however, we've seen that more often than not these trends tend to bring attention to whatever is happening, principally media attention, therefore amplifying it
& like i've explained before that is the 1 thing we don't want, we want to deplatform the hate as much as possible not give it a platform it wouldn't have had otherwise, there are ways to show love & support tho, spam them with love on weverse! it's more likely they'll see it!
Now you've done all of these things but you still feel worried & angry, you've exposed yourself to all the hate the ppl you care about are getting & there is a limited amount of things you can do about it, maybe you feel a little useless & a lot resentful
because no matter how hard we try antis won't stop doing what they do & you can't make them take responsibility for the hurtful things they say & do either, so maybe you take that responsibility onto yourself or maybe you put it onto others & that's what i want to talk abt next
3. Acceptance (😬)

There will always be people we're battling against & trying to take down & this is the reality of it, there is only so much we, BH or 875 themselves can do & that isn't our fault or wrongdoing no matter how much some ppl might try to convince you it is
& we will keep going at it, as we always have!

However, we need to stop letting ppl come into the fandom, do more harm than good, mishandle situations, spread hate wider, & then lecture us about how everything is terrible & it's everyone's fault but theirs (solo antis/mantis):
These ppl don't think abt the effects their actions can have on the members, you can see it in the way that they "spread awareness" by amplifying issues, they constantly do things that do more harm than good & pressure others into following by being emotionally manipulative
They don't know or respect the ppl they supposedly stan nor understand their relationships with the other members or their team & they don't care to either, so they can't be fans, but they also spread misinformation & hate as much as they can, so basically, they're antis
& maybe like i always have, you feel a little hesitant to call them antis, because in a weird way it seems like they do care & i'm sure they think they do, but they've lost sight of what matters or they never had it in the 1st place
They're always actively loud even if it doesn't make sense to be & even if it's harmful because it apparently shows they "care more than anyone else" They don't care if they're shoving the hate directly into the members faces if it goes together with their performative concern
The reason why i'm explaining this is because i need you all to treat them like antis as well, whenever we're dealing with big issues they make them worse & whenever they aren't big they make them big, this is harmful & we should be doing our best to minimize their impact
& ik you might feel like you're not doing enough, you might feel like the only things we/BH/875 can do aren't enough to deal with the endless onslaught of hate the members are constantly getting & you're right, but the best we can do is our best, & maybe there's a little more:
Have fun on here, spread positive & fun stuff, make fun projects, discuss their music with your moots, take a break from reporting so you won't burn out, be loving & supporting in every way you can & you will already be doing way more than the ppl i talked abt before ever have
The hate is never going to stop & neither is the misinformation or slander, but you care, you care abt the guys enough to want to help & that's great, so let's keep the community loving & supporting by idk, writing wax poetry under their tweets? It's more helpful than you think💜
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