One of the oddest things I have seen during the pandemic is people getting upset at others trying to adapt/adjust to pandemic life. Isn’t the whole point of life about making adjustments?
For example, restaurant owners can’t just let their businesses fail (since the gov’t ain’t helping) so they do outdoor dining cause we’re told it’s much more difficult to transmit the virus outdoors. But suddenly that in particular is bad.
People in general are social by nature and even the most ardent homebodies have reached breaking points. You can’t expect people to go into work and then just come straight home. Now you have people getting sick FROM work.
People need their outlets, they are not robots. The virus is gonna virus for sure but people are gonna people. The virus is still around whether you are at a gathering for a game, a protest, or Biden’s victory.
Numbers were fairly low in the summer even with people getting lax. They’ve spiked with the colder weather despite similar restrictions. Of course people are gonna question why that’s the case.
There comes a point where this kind of living isn’t sustainable and even your favorite politicians are starting to see that. “Guided by science and data” is starting to take a backseat. It is way too late in the game to emulate NZ, Taiwan, Vietnam, Carribbean islands.
My mini-rant is done. Hopefully this administration will have a handle on things and understand that the only way we beat this thing is by being smart. We were never all in this together.
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