A spirit of authoritarianism is abroad in the land. Using outrage mobs to silence dissent (be it from the right or left) is a matter that should profoundly worry true civil libertarians across the political spectrum--and unite us, despite our differences. But it takes courage. https://twitter.com/roddreher/status/1354136827536564225
Most people who've thought about the subject know that when we human beings have power--be it political, economic, or cultural power--we'll experience temptations to abuse it to crush adversaries or competitors, and will all-too-readily fabricate rationalizations for doing that.
Even critics (like me) of JS Mill must acknowledge the wisdom of key aspects of his teaching. Threats to liberties essential to human flourishing, e.g. freedom of thought and discussion, come not only from government but from concentrations of private (cultural, economic) power.
We need to defend the freedom of speech of those who disagree with and challenge our beliefs, not only because the censors will come for us next, but also and more fundamentally for the sake of the common good. We all lose when ideas are immunized from scrutiny and criticism.
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