The Gospel: “The good news of God’s saving work in Christ and the Spirit by which the powers of sin, death, and judgment are overcome and the life of the new creation is inaugurated, moving towards the glorification of the whole cosmos.” Evangelicals do not believe this.
Covenant theology (the original derived from a redemptive-historical approach to the Bible, rather than a grammatical-historical approach) frees you up to not see justice issues in society as a conjunction to the gospel but part of redemption of the entire cosmos though Christ.
The Scottish Presbyterians were brilliant at this by framing the work of the Church based on the three mediatorial offices of Christ. Unlike evangelicalism, if Christ is King, it's proper for church to be working on behalf of the poor & oppressed. p6.
“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!” ~Kuyper. This includes Wall Street, prisons, victims of crime and abuse, and Black lives caught in the nexus of paternalism & benign neglect.
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