Question: What can go wrong when a 45 year old tries to get into serious mountain biking?

Yesterday, after 3hrs in an emergency room stitching up a very gruesome injury caused by flying into a pile a jagged rocks going 20mph, I had an answer. 😕 1/7
But this tweet is not a pity party, or about how my ambition far exceeds my skill (which it does), but is about what happened after I pulled myself off the ground. 2/7
I went right to the emergency room. I didn’t think of cost, I wasn’t price shopping, I didn’t seek out the place that is in-network: I just wanted to be put back together. Fortunately, I have the means and insurance so that this will not cause me any financial strain. 3/7
Had this happened when I was 25 however, I would’ve been financially doomed. Broke and in law school at the time, I had neither insurance nor money. So my options would have been to bleed out, or go in debt and have my credit ruined. 4/7
Sadly, this is what 30+million Americas face everyday, but their medical issues aren’t merely injuries caused by misguided, middle-aged frivolity. Many of these people lack even the most basic access to quality healthcare. 5/7
The sad thing is we have some tools right now to start making healthcare more affordable/accessible (e.g., Direct Primary Care, price transparency laws, surprise billing legislation, regulating PBMs), but all get hamstrung by bureaucracy and government mismanagement. 6/7
Until we put the patient/physician relationship first, and get actuaries (i.e. insurance companies) out of the way, we will never truly move the needle.

And with that being said, I shall crawl off my soapbox, and go lie back down. . . I still hurt😑 7/7
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