The British in their wisdom gave the Arabs every opportunity and even granted their wish to limit Jewish immigration. They were always fair.
When Arab women were not allowed to vote in general elections, Jewish women were not allowed to vote. 2
They never demanded that Arab women be allowed to vote. Nor did they demand that Arabs provide schooling like the Jews did. They promoted the most notorious terrorist to be lead Arabs both politically and religiously to give him a chance to change. 3
Yes, there were many Arabs who wanted coexistence, but they were threatened/killed and forced to flee in '48 so they would not be called collaborators. 4
At the end stage of the Mandate and the proposed partition, the British refused to acknowledge Jewish rights to form recognized teams to handle utilities, trains and such because the Arabs had NO organized agencies on their side. 5
Why is this important today?Because of Arab leaders' unwillingness or inability to compromise. The Palestinian Authority can only dream of the successes the Jewish state has created. 6
Arab states know the truth, but still the enlightened West continues to dream of two equal states which is a lie. It can only be true if Israel is reduced to...what?
The West enjoys trade, research, etc with Israel while denying our land rights. 7
The Oslo Accords granted Israel control over Area C. At most it can be called 'disputed' territory although the Mandate borders/law are relevant to Israel's benefit. Oslo also gave the Arabs of Palestine autonomy - not a state. 8
That is important to remind the West. By promoting illegal settlement by Arabs and denying the same right to Jews in Area C, any prospect for peace is stifled. It's no different than the '20s, '30s or '40s.

Appeasement has never brought peace. 9
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