Truth: and this is going to hurt.

There are some of you who think that if Biden’s administration didn’t address your issue yet- that nothing has been done for black people.

The problem is you refuse to acknowledge black people that are not just like YOU.
I could go on. But my point?

This administration is 6 days old. I’m certain we will get our fair share of disappointment but the last 6 days have been glorious to watch a functioning government resume footing and address the needs of the nation.
I see myself, I see my children and I see people who’s lives look nothing like my own represented in the executive orders over the last 6 days...

I see black men in the representation of these signed orders and policies and I believe there is more to come.
And if this pace continues- I believe we may actually see more done for people of color than in the last 50 years.
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