One of the worst aspects of what's happening is that most Whites, even the angry ones, seem individually ineffectual without a figurehead. Trump was useless in a lot of ways but people could project onto him, which in turn energised them. Now they're just lethargic once more.
My biggest fear about Biden is that he never goes "all out" but is just incrementally bad. Steady decline with meagre response is absolutely the worst possible scenario, and the most likely.
We have a society that is becoming increasingly "Asian" in its position that "the nail that sticks out gets hammered." We have less tolerance than ever for "dangerous eccentrics" will to push the social, political envelope. Individual initiative is crushed and we all conform.
Probably not coincidental that it's happening alongside the celebration of strange or banal eccentricities like transsexualism that don't run counter to the prevailing System. "Get a sex change, just don't mention race. Or we'll crush you."
The result is whole populations of fearful Whites, afraid of being singled out, alone and crushed by masses of hostiles and conformists. Hence the dependence on solo figureheads like Trump, larger than life and therefore assumed capable of bearing the "hammer."
Trump having failed as an effective figurehead, there's now a reversion to the mean - a return to the fear and silence, awaiting a new figurehead. Until Whites rediscover individual political initiative on a mass scale we will continue to lose.
I use the American example here but it applies to all White countries with fabled "silent majorities". Demographic majority means nothing if traitors make you an ideological minority.
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