How I lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks - a thread
Caution: I don't encourage this, this is an extremely unhealthy way to lose weight, if you think you can't do it, then please stop here
1. (obviously water) I drank so much water, you can't even imagine. I actually stopped from typing this to go and pee, because I drink 2 glasses of water each time I smoke a cigarette, another glass before eating, another one while eating, and other ones whenever I'm bored
2. I ate breakfast like a queen, lunch like a princess and dinner like a servant.
My usual meal plan:
For breakfast 200g of this exact yoghurt (62cal) ,with a chopped small apple (aprox. 80 cal)cinnamon and a tablespoon of oats, if I felt like It (I added oats only twice lol)
For lunch, I would always have either tuna either steam some bell peppers in a hot pan with no oil.
This one has 111 cal per 100 g, and 185 g per container, I would have only half of it on 2 ricecakes (173 cal)
For dinner I would have a boiled egg or 2 boiled eggs if I took the yolk out (77 cal for 1 boiled egg/ 14 cal per one egg white)
TOTAL: 392 - 343 cal
3. Cheat snacks, not cheat meals, not cheat days. I would often have fruit yoghurt or this type of sweet
(these are the exact sweets, the yoghurt is 79 cal and the thing on left was 124 cal) I can't completely stop eating sweets I have a sweet tooth.
On the days I would have my cheat snacks, I would walk the longer path when walking home so I would burn more calories.
4. Burning calories. I work in a kitchen staff(ironic I know) and for the entire time I am there, I work standing up for 7 hours straight, and as you can see, 1 hour of standing up burns aprox. 50 cal ( 7x50=350 cal burned) and after work, I would walk all the way home
These are screenshot from my walking track app, you can see from the walk after work I burn aprox. 350 cal each time. During work I have my phone upstairs in the changing room, so it can't track the calories from me walking in the kitchen.
Average burned calories: 700
5. Fasting.
I would do intermittent fasting everyday, I would start a fast after eating dinner, and I would make sure I fast for 15 hours everyday. In the weekends I did 24-50 hours fasts.
6. I did have a few binges, but I walked all around my house to make it up, did squats in the shower, took lots of cold showers, etc. And this made me motivated for the weekend fasts. We all make mistakes and that's OK.
7. I never skipped my meals, because they gave me the energy to be as active as possible, and burn lots of calories
If I wanted Snacks, I would have cucumbers or pickles, because they are extremely low cal.
Btw, I am going to do a douyin thinspo thread part 3 on my backup @barblovespink with weight and height included, if you are interested, I am going to post it tomorrow. Stay safe, and please retweet<3
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