1/ Do you know the world finance system and how petrodollars work ? Because everything starts here 😉 Put emotions aside and try to reason in terms of geopolitics, economy and finance. International geopolitics is ruthless and make no place for human rights. That's a fact.
2/ Today dollar is the world reserve currency and backed by petroleum in the Middle East where all the Arab monarchies have sworn allegiance to the US starting with Saudi Arabia in 1979 with Nixon. They have all agreed to use dollars for oil contracts.
3/ Countries are then "forced" to trade petroleum in dollars with SWIFT. Historically, countries who have tried to escape this system have been hit hard by the US: Libya, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Venezuela and now China. You may not know there is a lot of oil and gas in Xinjiang.
4/ Gas prices are somehow pegged to oil prices. As you may now, China is pushing hard to get rid of its dollar reserves and also in Asia with the recent RCEP treaty. With its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and together with Russia and perhaps Iran where they invest massively
5/ They are trying to build up an alternative market for oil and gas where transactions will be done in digital renminbi, using a blockchain technology (of which China is the world leader) and totally sanctions-proof! It means a world where Iran can thrive
6/ because it can sell as much oil as it wants ! From the US side it must never happen! Because it would disrupt the dollar-based economy and all its benefits for the US like an everlasting possible trade deficit with every country! Basically their economy would collapse
7/ In normal times, if China had been as weak as Libya or Iraq the US Navy would have already trampled on China or Russia ! But China and Russia are very unlikely to submit, therefore no military operation is now possible. The other point is China is a resource-rich country
8/ not only with Xinjiang but also with Tibet! Do you start to understand ? Plus BRI railway trade routes going across Central Asia towards Europe and the Middle Dast start from ... Xinjiang!
9/ They have already tried to draw attention for the so-called persecuted people in Tibet, but nobody gives a fuck of buddhism whereas in Xinjiang there are Muslims and that's a bigger hit throughout history! Plus Islam is the second biggest religion it's easier to draw attention
10/ Ultimately the goal of the US would be to dismantle China the way they did with the Soviet Union. A China deprived of Tibet and Xinjiang for 2 independent nations will be barred from any great ambition. The same logic can be applied to HK which is the 3rd financial center
11/ What are they doing so ? They are funding radicalized extremists through NGOs such as @NEDemocracy, a @CIA offshoot, in order to spread wahhabism in Xinjiang the way they did with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. It goes hand in hand with fomenting unrest and separatism
12/ and then make sure China has to enforce tough measures to ward off any threat of terrorism which could further lead to an economic chaos. Then the evil medias machine takes over and twists the narrative as it is already so easy to bully China because
13/ they are not a democracy which is already a crime in the Western World. Mixing up prison with concentration camp or learning mandarin with cultural genocide is easy afterwards.
14/ Then ensure the pressure gets so strong over time that the West goes to a Cold War and make sure China never thrives and never overtakes the US as the sole world hegemonic power.
15/ But this tactics is a double-edged sword since today economies are so much intertwined, they are never considering the harm they would do to their own core interests and people's interests, just for a matter of pride, ego and an underlying superiority complex.
16/ And as John Mearsheim (Pr of political science at @UChicago) developped in his theory, the US is a ruthless great power that will always knock down and put all of its peer competitors on the scrap heap of history
17/ as they did with the only four potential candidates since the beginning of the 20th century: Imperial Germany, Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. For that purpose, by whatever means possible including smearing and slandering your rival with a fake genocide
18/ and because the US sees international geopolitics as a zero-sum game where the winner takes all, the clash is inevitable. Americans are afraid not to be the sole hegemon in the World, something they have forgotten for a century and this is a matter of survival for them.
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