People call it having sex
I call it dancing of the souls

Let’s get started

This world teaches us a corrupted version of partnership and what sex is. My beliefs on this like many things, completely different

Nothing is set in stone. This is my belief. My way of life. My being
Society taught us that love, partnership &sex are one. They packaged porno&corrupt version of partnership, sold it as soul mate or life partner with unlimited supply of sex,boring repetitive & shallow

Attacked our divine roots.
Ever wondered why after sex many of us feel empty?
There comes a time when we meet a soul, we feel so connected to them, all kinds of magical moments and emotions are happening. During these moments in my opinion we must take precautions, society kept us in the shallows so the death of such feelings are bound to happen
Forget all that you learned from the porn world and society. Forget about lasting, about your actions, stop being so conscious about your moves. Both. Stop and get out of your heads. This is not a porno it’s a soul dance. We are to feel & create not to pretend and cum
Divine masculine is action-oriented, pursuant, vulnerable,logical, responsible. He is Power, Strength, focus, a leader.

Divine feminine is intuitive, nurturing, gentle, patient, emotional, wise, expressive with a magical healing touch
When a divine masculine and divine feminine come together for a soul dance, it is not only an energy exchange but one of the most powerful energies we can create to release into the universe. The soul dance is meant to bring love, admiration, sensuality, beauty, magic
And when both healed divine feminine and masculine come together. He leads using his powers and strength keeping her soul wanting more which leads to her using her imagination and gentleness. Each brings their gifts, thus fulfilling each other to make all that is magic.
Creating & releasing to the universe, to stay in the collective. Influence it perhaps.
So far we’ve been used to lust, in and out, repetitive, and most people seem to enjoy the orgasm, and once that’s done, the high is gone and partners are left disappointed. Let’s stop that
It is meant to fill each other’s souls leaving each other with more empowering loving and magic feels
The way to do this is by being selective of who you exchange the energy with. Prior to the dance, one must cleanse themselves from within.
Bring our inner being to peace, clear our mind and rid of all the negatives inside. No need to pass it on to your partner

When partners are about to dance, clear mind of all thoughts. focus should only be at the exact moment, right then and there
Soul dance, we make a lot of eye contact, smile, allow the bodies to move to the rhythm of each other and the universe. Allowing it all to flow. Converse with feels not words
Every moment is to heighten the others experience,every step is taken with admiration, love& appreciation
Bringing out the sensuality and heightened feels of each other, admiring the divinity and sacredness in each other. Doing every thing with the intentions of keeping your sacred divine partner in complete high the entire time
when it ends. We feel fulfilled.Happy. Peace. Empowered
That’s my take & so far haven’t been disappointed

Partnerships is another discussion long to be kept for another day

Shall we discuss ?
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I should add why one should be careful with WHO to make the exchange with. When an unhealed Uncleansed being enters our sacred space, they are passing all kinds of negative energies to us. Unconsciously, while you fill them with love and peace. This the empty feelings you get
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