I keep reading a lot about what vaccinated people should still expect to do (social distance, mask up, etc.) in order to not spread the virus they may not know if they have (because: no symptoms), but it's less clear how protected the vaccinated are, period. Do we know that?
Like, if you're vaccinated is there 100% protection that you will NOT get covid symptoms, or is it just a reduction to idk 80% chance you won't?

If you contract covid without being aware of it, can it still fuck up your body internally? Do we know?
We're about to be vaccinated and my parents are about to be vaccinated, and I know they're gonna want to hang out once we're all vaccinated and I reaaaaally need some clear data/answers on whether that's safe or not.
In a magical fairytale world where someone hosts an "Everyone Is Vaccinated!" party at an "Everyone Here Is Vaccinated!" restaurant and we all tip 45% and whatnot, is that...safe? ethical? even an option?
Like, I get the flu vaccine every year but there I know:
- you're safe from some-NOT-ALL strains of the flu
- you can still get the other strains

But with the covid vaccine, I'm not sure whether you're safe from covid or if you just won't show external symptoms?
I'm hearing:
- You can still get covid, it's just way less likely.
- If you do, it'll probably be a lot milder/faster recovery.
- 4 vaccinated people hanging out together = pretty safe.
That's a little nerve-wracking. I know a lot of employers are going to treat "vaccinated" as "immune" and expect people to start flooding back in (if they haven't been brought back into the worksite already, I mean).
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