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Life is the best teacher.

Learning these 5 lessons will make your life easier.

1. Be Kind But Give Zero Fucks

If you are a people pleaser, this is for you.

Stop trying to make everyone happy.

It's an impossible task and emotionally draining.

Be respectful but don't hesitate to state your beliefs and opinions.
As long as you act morally inbounds, there is no reason to waste thought and time.

Some people will love you. Some will hate you.

When someone is offended by your valid words,
they project their issues onto you.

Don't let them.
Caring less about annoying others will make your life easier and more productive.

Victimhood culture is one of the problems of today's society.

Don't buy into it.

Be yourself.
2. Asking for Help Is No Sign of Weakness

Many people, even leaders, and executives, often fear to ask for help.

Strong personalities, in particular, are expected to know anything.

They don't want to look ignorant.
Asking for help often seems out of the question as it implies that they are holding a position that they don't know how to fill.

But in reality, the opposite is true.

As humans, we can't expect to know everything.
The most successful today have been able to surround themselves with people with expertise to eliminate their weaknesses.

Be fine with looking stupid.

You will progress and reach your goals faster.
3. The Journey Is The Goal

Don't focus on end goals that are YET out of your control.

They run a significant risk of causing discouragement.

Keep the end goal in mind, but focus instead on goals that concentrate on improvement inside your process towards your end goal.
Herefore you need to figure out the how, which is another benefit.

Process focus is a powerful tool to optimize and improve performance.

Make this your standard, and you will reach your end goals with more ease.
I use @RayDalio's 5 Step Process to reach my goals.

I also highly recommend @thedankoe's thread about how to get shit done.

4. Self-Respect Is Fundamental to a Personโ€™s Happiness

Happiness starts from within.

If you are not accepting yourself, you'll need external validation over and over because it doesn't last for long.

Learning to respect yourself is the first step towards happiness.
1. Respect your time
2. Respect your body
3. Respect your failures
4. Respect your interests
5. Respect your beliefs and values
6. Respect your strengths and weaknesses

People will look at you differently if you stand up for yourself.

Be proud of being yourself.
5. Have The Memory of a Goldfish

We all make daily hundreds of mistakes. They are part of any process.

No matter if a student, salesman, or professional athlete.

Often we beat ourselves up for them.

But the faster we forget, the better we perform.

Let me ask you this...
When was the last time you noticed someone making a meaningful mistake, and IF you did, for how long did you remember?

My point:

Everyone is busy with their lives and struggles just like you.
Our minds paint worse pictures of reality.
The majority of the time, nobody even notices the fuckups.

So stressing about them is not worth it.

Rather laugh about yourself.

Life is too short to waste time in bad moods.
This is it.

5 lessons that I learned along my path.

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