1.) My first mini interpretation of an ancient Maya myth listed below. It leaves room for further exploration for its reader. Thanks in advance for reading.
2.) The Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, are center stage in numerous myths of the Maya. These two brothers, ball players of the middle world, are known for defeating the lords of Xibalba in the underworld, and resurrecting their father, First Father; known as Seven Hunahpu.
3.) The is the core of their tale but it is lacking MUCH detail and other great doings by the twins. To grasp its full depth and meaning, you must first read The Secret of the She-Bear by Marie Cachet. I would then suggest reading The Popol Vuh, followed by Maya Cosmos.
4.) Back to the Hero Twins. Before the aforementioned adventure occurs, the twins plant maize seeds in the house of their grandmother. These kernels were left there by the twins father before his journey to the underworld and are referred to in text as little skulls.
5.) Twins will die in the realm of Xibalba. Their death causes the maize tree to wither and dry. But they will be reborn from a river and bring another maize tree in the house of their grandmother; as well as victory against the lords of the underworld; resulting father’s rebirth
6.) First Father, the progenitor of the Maya people, is sometimes represented as the maize tree. He is also the father of the twins. Which aren’t really twins at all. We have learned that the twin found in ancient myth often represents the placenta.
7.) The placenta is also represented by the tree. It is the sacred tree that provides nutrients to the unborn child in the mother’s womb; transmitting knowledge and memory through its branches.
8.) Of the twins fathers, One Hunahpu & Seven Hunapu, Seven Hunapu, First Father, is the one that is reborn. The two fathers are one in the same and here enters a reincarnation ritual that we are familiar with in Europe.
9.) No coincidence that 7 Hunahpu is chosen to be reborn. At 7, a child has lost all milk teeth, and adult teeth emerge. Like the hero twins, bone and skull of the ancestor are taken by child, along with burial goods, to awaken memories of their past lives; to become the ancestor
10.) Seven Hunahpu is not the only character in the Popol Vuh with the assigned #7. Seven Mccaw, a bird resting at the top of a tree, is shot with a long blowgun by one of the Hero Twins. He falls from the tree, his jaw breaks, and his teeth are loosened. They eventually come out
11.) I’ve included more images below that illustrate the prominence of reincarnation, childbirth, and coming of age traditions. Note that the avatars are MANY as Maya scribes were encouraged to express myth, history, and daily life in various forms.
12.) The lid to this sarcophagus has been wrongly interpreted by scholars and alien worshipers! In actuality, it shows the rebirth of the ancestor. Here the child falls from the tree, placenta, and exits the underworld, womb. The bird at the top is the avatar of the water bag
13.) ”Och bih”he enters the road. Yes, the road that leaves the mother’s womb. Not the road into the underworld. This is not death. This is rebirth! More to come soon.
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