. @OwenJones84 I just read yr epic thread which you've banned everyone from replying to even those, like me, who you've defamed. So *wearily* almost everyone you caricature as an "anti-trans activist" is, from JK Rowling to Ruth Serwotka or Julie Bindel, on the Left &/or lesbian.
You write about "these people" but you mean women. So I'd just like to ask this. Why do you think these lifelong Leftie, socially-concerned, gay ally or gay women, have concerns about demands to erase biological sex from law & language & replace it with "gender identity"? Do you
think they all SIMULTANEOUSLY drank some bigotry juice which changed their entire politics & personalities, rendering them all Anita Bryants as you slurred me? Or do you think these women have real, material concerns about their hard-won rights & are expressing them? The thing is
Owen, I don't think you're stupid or cruel. You KNOW biological sex exists. You KNOW in sports, prisons, etc it has consequences for women. Yet to fight yr untenable position you must deny science & rationality & paint Lefty feminists as gay-bashing fascists. It just looks... mad
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