You know, the more I think about @derek_brower's comments on #RealTalk this morning, the more I am sad & angry, feeling that so many are being abandoned by our provincial "parents" in all of this.

The writing is on the wall. Has been for decades. O&G can't live forever. 1/
You all know I'm living with a cancer, doctors tell me is slowly spreading through my body. I cannot live forever. Would it be responsible for me, as a parent, to just abdicate any responsibility or planning for my child's future just because I can't/won't face my own death? 2/
"You should write your will," doctors tell me.

"I SHALL NOT, I WILL NOT, FOR I AM FINE. You cannot tell me I'm dying, that's malarky. I won't believe you."


"I refuse! I'm not dying!"

This is what our provincial government sounds like right now. #AbPoli 3/
"Look, the scans don't lie- your tumours are growing. You should probably plan for your son- who will he live with? Who will care for his emotional, financial, physical needs? Will he get any of your money? How will that look?"

How horrific, cold, cruel, callous would I as a mother be, when- even though I've been presented SO MUCH EVIDENCE, I refuse to acknowledge fact, and simply live in ignorance by choice? Simply do nothing to prepare? How hurt would my child be to discover I hadn't prepared? 5/
Of course- people living with cancer always have a glimmer of HOPE and OPTIMISM, that perhaps there will be a spontaneous remission, a new drug, a cure. This is hope I ALWAYS hang on to. But I'm not stupid. I have PREPARED. This is the CARING way to deal with hard news. PLAN. 6/
Alberta. Friends. I have love and empathy for you working in the O&G field. You are my family, my community, my friends. But it's terminal. There's not a long-term future here, it's killing our earth. We need to plan. To prepare. Otherwise we're abandoning our children. 7/
Thanks, @ryanjespersen for this courageous & difficult conversation. People don't like bad news. But as someone who has been dealt a hand of "bad news," I understand the best way to move forward is with REALITY, HOPE, & INGENUITY in our minds & hearts.

Alberta CAN survive.
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