American leftists don't know what social democracy is. Modern Social democracy, which was formed through a split in the third international is the collaboration between the two antagonistic classes. Such a collaboration is only possible in the concrete, if both these classes
Somehow have their interests aligned. This is not possible unless the country is imperialist. Hence, in the imperialist core, social democracy develops social chauvinism and racism as a result of this support for imperialism. In the colonised/imperialised countries however,
This collaboration is essential in the national liberation movement, which is a popular movement, that involves a coalition of all domestic classes except the compradors and the landlords. The only question however, is which class is leading the movement.
If the national Bourgeoisie leads a successful national liberation movement, then capitalist development will occur under its leadership and the proletariat will need to over throw them later to give rise to a socialist revolution.
If the proletariat leads a successful national liberation movement, then they have already established a class dictatorship of themselves, and the socialist transformation can be carried out without a further revolution.
Both these cases must be supported by anyone who calls themselves a leninist. In the first case, the national Bourgeoisie plays a progressive role untill it capitalist development reaches its monopoly stage in that country, and hence is
Worthy of what Lenin calls "disinterested cultural support" untill then. This you can see playing out in Middle eastern and Latin American countries that proceeded to nationalize their Economies.
The other case obviously needs your full support. So, basically TL;DR, class collaboration against imperialism good, class collaboration for imperialism bad. This is obviously for Western leftists and not for leftists in the colonized/imperialised nations.
For those leftists in the colonized/imperialised nations, (like me), it is absolutely essential to make sure the proletariat is what leads the national liberation movement. Because from our experiences, it is clear that the bourgeoisie may end up collaborating with
The imperialists and cannot be fully trusted. Anyway, please read Lenin's "A caricature of Marxism and imperialist Economism" to understand what I'm saying.
mistake: split in the 2nd international
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