If implication in this tag is that I've been pushing a different narrative, I don't think that's accurate. I'm not even sure what "the current narrative" is. (Thread.) https://twitter.com/Zuky43/status/1354087112967073792
Several factors Marc points to (and others I could mention, like personnel in Biden admin), I agree, do favor return to normalization. That's what I'd like to see. https://twitter.com/msfcuba1/status/1353855667321319428?s=20
There's also the risk domestic political folks in the Biden admin, based on 2020 election, conclude too simplistically that too much Cuba "engagement" is bad for "the Cuban vote."

(This is how some in the Democratic Party read Miami's election results.)
And if there's a "current narrative" that is more pessimistic, or just reserved, it's also being abetted by some voices in the Cuban public square who see a Trojan Horse around every corner and don't seem that interested in normalization recommencing in earnest.
But I think it's an open question how far they will go, how quickly, and how developments in Cuba could influence them either way. (Yes, the latter matter.) Time will tell.
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