☆.。.:* how to take care of sh

a thread .。.:*☆

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pls rt this !!!

this thread is in no way meant to condone, support, or encourage self harm. self harm is an addiction. this guide is simply how to mentally and physically care for the wounds it leaves behind. block, don’t report.
!!! DISC. PART 2 !!!

self harming is chemically addictive— your brain craves the rush of adrenaline endorphins it releases when you hurt yourself. it’s not unusual to crave it, even if you had a great day. it’s addictive. it’s an illness.
!!! DISC. 3 !!!

all self harm is valid. if you are causing injury to yourself with intention, it is valid. there is no deep enough, hard enough. it’s all valid. you do not need to go deeper for your pain to be real.
!!! DISC. 4 !!!

finally, this thread is only going to cover cat scratches, styros and bruises. i have never hit beans, and i don’t intend to. i will not use any sh related images in this thread, so it is safe. (might do a healing thread later)
͙˚. cutting safely ͙˚.


you will need
- clean, rust free blade
- unscented anti bacterial soap
- clean soft cloth or paper towel (NOT toilet paper/tissue)
- bandaids
- neosporin/aquaphor
- alcohol wipes (controversial, i’ll explain)
if you don’t have access to a rust free blade, here’s a great thread on how to remove rust from blades. note, it’s still risky, and not 100% effective, but better than nothing. tetanus is not something to mess with. https://twitter.com/dietcokewhore__/status/1351595660143980544
make sure you have all medical items on hand, as you will need them quickly, especially if an accident happens. most importantly, the clean cloth or paper towel. either will be used to apply pressure/wipe/catch blood.
note: toilet paper and tissues are very dangerous for open wounds, especially deep ones, as the fibers dissolve when wet and can leave pieces inside the wound. this will ultimately lead to increase risk of infection.
ideally, you will use the alcohol wipes to gently sanitize the blade and area you intend on cutting before doing so.

however, i always get really desperate beforehand, and rarely if ever do this. ://
never use alcohol/wipes on open wounds, as the alcohol can kill beneficial cells in the wound & dry the skin, creating potential for an itchy, tight scar. they’re exclusively for sanitizing beforehand, if you choose to.
once you have made the cut, apply pressure as necessary. if it bleeds consistently for more than 5-10 minutes, squirts, or leaks in a steady pulse, seek medical attention asap. i find dabbing the blood away within the first 2 minutes makes cleaning & dressing the wound easier.
some purple/red around the wound in the first couple days is normal. it’s basically from the blood rushing to the wound. i’ve also had a yellow tint to my skin for the first day after the cut. it’s all slight bruising indicative of healing.
͙˚. cleanup ͙˚.


don’t let blood dry on anything. warm water is your best friend, preferably running. once the session is over, use your hand to foam & gently rub the soap on your cuts. some may start to bleed again— this is ok.
cloth pro—
can be gentler
apply more pressure
absorb more blood

cloth con—
have to wash it
smells strongly after heavy session
can be abrasive

paper pro—
stick it on as temp bandage

paper con—
have to dispose of it
pieces in wounds
potentially unsanitary
i clean 2x with soap and once with just warm water. anything that is gaping or able to be pulled to gape, i apply a thin layer of neosporin onto a bandaid and apply gently. it is safe to have the adhesive side of a bandaid on shallow cuts, but it may hurt to take off.
you can soak the bandaid in warm water to gently remove it, as ripping it off will reopen the scab. remember to always replace bandaids if they get wet— you don’t want a damp environment for the wound, as this also increases infection risk.
the rest of the cuts i gently rub a layer of neosporin over. bandaids don’t stick as well if theyre applied on top of each other, but sometimes this is necessary. make sure to apply the neosporin after all bandaids— neosporin makes the bandaid adhesive slick and fall off early.
make sure to sanitize your blade and thoroughly clean your rag with antibacterial soap and warm water. dry the blade thoroughly to ensure no rust forms, and let it air dry for at least 10min before storage. wear clothes you don’t mind getting medicine/blood on overnight—leakage..
REMINDER! you may only use alcohol on closed wounds or undamaged skin. it’s extremely drying, and damages good cells as well as bad ones. it’s extremely effective for blade & area clean up, but not worth the risk body wise.
if the wound is gaping a lot, you can use super glue and pinch it together for 30 sec. it will sting. liquid bandage can do something similar, but it only lasts a day and it’s so fucking annoying imo. plus it burns. idk super glue works better for me.
((this is purely personal preference.))

as a rule i only use liquid bandage on a day or 2 old cuts. the cut is partially closed already, but i want to protect & observe it. or if it reopens, i let the blood dry and use that to observe.
͙˚. day 1 ͙˚.


this is the most painful day for me. the wounds are very sore, and most likely the neosporin & a little blood will have leaked thru the bandages. gently remove all bandages, and wipe off the remainder of the dried blood.
you only need to replace bandages on wounds that are still bleeding or have a gape, but sometimes i reapply on small ones for comfort as my skin is super sensitive and the scabs are so shallow they catch on clothes. (wearing tight clothes helps reduce the amount of pulling!)
try not to wear fuzzy things, as this catches super easy on clothes too. try not to touch them, and be gentle. if you decide to shower, always remember to gently clean them with warm water & reapply bandages. showering will sting, so you can also leave the old ones on until after
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