I love that this tweet is going viral.The Consumer Financial Protection Board, the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren, was conceived specifically to protect and rectify this situations. If youve had fees, file a complaint http://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/ ! (contd.) https://twitter.com/katmauvearts/status/1353716332362133510
And I'm gonna make a thread here, because I think its important. You're first instinct may be "Government, right? What can they do"! And I get it. Except it turns out, this Independent body actually can, and has done a TON.
Barack Obama created this, and originally planned to have Elizabeth Warren, the architect of it, serve as the head. Lol it was so powerful, and the job so powerful, the GOP absolutely flipped shit. Refused to confirm her. So she ran for Senator. True story https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/21/us/politics/elizabeth-warren.html
But alas! Rejoice! The CFPB is now back, and better than ever! Thanks to the Dems winning Georgia, Biden can install his cabinet of choice, and Bureau heads! Well remember how Elizabeth Warren created the CFPB, but the GOP Denied her from being in charge so she bossed up?
The banks are legally obligated to have some one inquire and respond to both you AND the government, for every complaint. Seriously. They get your money back. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/consumer-advisory-youve-got-options-when-it-comes-to-overdraft/
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