Okay, so... with the increase of pro-trans activity from the Biden administration, coupled with a lot of anti-trans activity in state houses, I’m gonna say this again: we need some strong trans media advocacy, like, now.
First, we need folks like @glaad and @transJA pushing back on crap journalism. Good old fashioned rapid response would be helpful. We need to counter and fact check every thing
Second, we need a team of trans folks, who are media trained, and can be made available to the media at a moment’s notice. We need to have people offering these people as these stories break.
Third, we need to craft our narrative. We need to work with our journalism allies (and within our own journalism circles) to make sure our stories are being told right now, to counter the stories the right wants to make up about us.
Now the big question: Who will do these tasks? Are our current orgs up to it, or so we need others? Who will bankroll some of this? How do we make it happen as soon as we can? Thoughts?
You can follow @gwenners.
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