Beans on toast, a thread:
Beans on toast was never intended to be a delicious, gourmet meal, it is simple a quick, easy to throw together meal that requires 3 ingredients: bread, butter and beans (cheese is optional) To compare it to more sophisticated American meals is wrong, its more akin to mac+cheese
Furthermore, beans on toast actually provides you all 3 macronutrients: protein from the beans, fat from the butter and carbohydrates from the bread. The beans also contain a lot of essential phytonutrients, vitamins and amino acids
Lastly, baked beans in America is processed + made differently to the UK, I remember visiting the US and buying myself ingredients for beans on toast and I almost threw up at the finished product
Research showed me that the ingredients and processing methods varied greatly from the UK to the US so Americans who have "tried" beans on toast for themselves most likely have the completely wrong impression, it would be similar to judging real Japanese food to instant noodles
To summarise, beans on toast is a quick, relatively tasty meal to make for households that are low on budget or lacking ingredients and does not deserve the severe scrutiny that it has been receiving for the past year or so.
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