Since November, 150 Indian farmers have died, 9 of them by suicide at the protests. The insensitivities of the government should not be handled alone, or even just by those we identify with. The exploitation is inhumane.

Indian farmers make 6300₹ less than $100/month.
There is absolutely no reason why the people who cultivate our food aren't eating. If farmers don't thrive, we don't eat.
Solidarity, love, reverence, security, and reparations for the Indian farmers out protesting today, and have been out protesting.
I learned of the Indian farmer's protests from IG, and went to a discussion on Indian farm bills where panelist Suresh Ediga shared information that I don't think I would have received otherwise in Lousiville, KY USA. It was the first I had heard of it.
I've been reading up on it and, wow, this is a global struggle. As someone who eventually wants to "own" land, this is important to me, but it should be important to anyone who eats food produced by other people. Many of the struggles in India are rooted in US imperialism.
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