The one bit of advice I would give to anyone teaching children about slavery in the UK, is to start with African societies before slavery.

I don't think you can truly understand the impact slavery had on Black people without understanding what life was like before.
I did learn 'Black History' at secondary school, and all it seemed to be trying to tell me was Africans were waiting to be enslaved, then some good white people set them free, and then there was this nice man called MLK Jr who wasn't angry about the centuries of oppression.
I thought it was a disempowering education to give young people. While you learnt about some key events, you didn't really understand them.

I was lucky to have access to a good breadth and depth of history so I knew this wasn't the sum total of my heritage, but many don't.
This doesn't just apply to formal education either. I think it's something museums also need to consider.
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