I'm alarmed we allowed a leader to slowly acclimate his party to believe 1) an outright rejection of election results 2) spreading of dozens of lies 2) widespread pressure on officials, 3) & hosting a rally of tens of 1000s on the date of final certification isn't impeachable.
This wasn't just some bribe or ethics violation or emoluments clause thing. It was an intentional hatcheting at the very basic level of trust in the system of our country. A POTUS who swore to protect the Constitution incited mass distrust to extend his own power. Full stop.
If you can't see this as a highly dangerous action by a President, I have nothing for you. No trial is going to convince Senators and voters of the seriousness of this, if they can't use their own discernment with the public information already available.
Those who opposed him discerned this since Summer 2015. At first it was just a sense that something was off, that he was unmoored from moral reasoning. Over time, the evidence became irrefutable he would use any levers available for his own self-interest over the common good.
Nikki Haley says "Give the man a break." Marco Rubio says that this is about "vengeance" and "show." The GOP is making it about the Democrats being "divisive." This is the type of reframing that abusers use to manipulate their victims. They've become as amoral as their leader.
Evangelicals have intramural debates about "social justice" and "systemic injustice." Whatever you think about all that, this here is just matter of plain vanilla "Justice." If you lack discernment here, I doubt you will have good judgment on more complex matters.
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