Is Fantom a DAG or a blockchain?

A thread:

"Two nomenclatures to first clear up;

1. Blockchain the category
2. Blockchain the structure

A blockchain is a DAG.

- Directed: moves in one direction only
- Acyclic: you can't return to a node from the current node
- Graph
All blockchain (structures) are DAGs.
A DAG can be a blockchain (category).

That out of the way, there are lots of DAGs already. Bitcoin even has leaf nodes (uncles).

So I don't get the DAG vs Blockchain argument.

Also, when looking at DAG, what implementation?
- consensus DAG like Fantom, where the output can still be a normal blockchain (structure) or it could be another DAG (structure)

- account level DAGs (Nano) and transaction level DAGs (IOTA).

So you can't really say DAG vs blockchain.
You get:

- storage DAG like @avalancheavax, where the UTXO are stored in DAGs

- block DAG (ghost / spectre / phantom), similar to UTXO for Avalanche
But what I will infer, is the "Are DAGs more scalable than blockchains". And that answer is entirely dependent on your network graph and consensus architecture.

In a POA / permissioned / consortium solution, DAGs are definitely more scalable.
In a completely unpermissioned environment blockchains are more secure.

It's a very difficult question to answer because there are so many variables at play.
Personally, I think DAG's are fantastic for aBFT consensus, so I like them there, but I think traditional blockchain is the better structure for time based sequences."

Thank you @AndreCronjeTech for the clear overview!
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