If you're a white journalist or someone with any level of privilege in journalism (ie: a prestige employer, a full-time job with benefits, a fair/livable wage for the city you live in, etc), today is a GREAT day to support someone who doesn't have that same privilege. (cont)
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So what do I mean by supporting another journalist who lacks your level of privilege?

Here are some free ideas:
- Follow them on Twitter and introduce yourself as someone interested in their work
- Add them on LinkedIn and take the conversation offline
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How else to support younger/less privileged journalists?
- Offer 1, 2, or more "office hour" chats per month for mentoring sessions (Calendly makes this stupidly easy)
- Retweet and share the work of journalists who are building their brand and audience
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Yes! There are so many ways to help journalists who lack your same level of privilege.
- Offer to help them prepare for an interview
- Make an introduction for them to one of your colleagues or connections
- Leverage your social capital to benefit them
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All to say, this is an industry built off connections and relationships. If all of your connections and relationships look like you, went to your school, and work with you, you're part of the problem.

If you're a leader? You've got to be doing this stuff too.
You can follow @emmacarew.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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