2/sycophancy & lies when press secretary under Trump, now has gone full Nazi rhetoric trying to get a job as governor of AK. One of her father's last acts was to pardon her brother. I wonder what other superb acts she has in mind. More importantly tho, the Holocaust did NOT start
3/immediately after Hitler, past the failed putsch of 1923, was treated too kindly, 2cowardly, 2accommodatingly & got "legit" in 1931. Since "Mein Kämpf" the rhetoric that there was a "Jewish problem" was constantly being hammered, until Germans accepted that as "fact". Once that
4/Germans accepted Jews as non-people, first they were banned fm public service. Then made 2wear stars of David & shunned, mistreated. Kristallnacht had few Germans protest their favorite shop had been vandalized. Then came beatings, concentration camps, death marches, pogroms.
5/Replace that w/neo-Nazi GOP now & anyone who criticizes their racist/xenophobic/homophobic/misogynistic/theocratic rhetoric being called "socialist", "lefty", "communist", "radical"—a vague, catch-all term 4: "non human". Many in America forgot Holocaust. Remember. Never again.
6/America like Argentina & Brazil were like sponges 2get Nazis relocated through the "ratlines" after III Reich fell. Ideas do not die. They re-incarnate. Now, being too openly anti-Semitic would backfire, so they rehash themselves as "Patriots"(who help Ru) & "anti-radical left"
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